
Our Services


Entrepreneurial skills that we provide are underpinned by attitudes (soft skills), such as time management, communication, and leadership. Supporting skills (hard skills) on the other hand, includes basic start-up knowledge, business planning, financial literacy, and managerial skills. The objective is not only to reinforce the capability and desire of more individuals to start their own businesses, but also to cultivate a business culture within society.


We define mentoring and coaching as empowerment tools which assist entrepreneurs to take control of their own growth, to release their potential and to accomplish outcomes which they desire. We believe that learning relationships are essential to mentoring and coaching. It is not mere sets of activities or abilities.

Through these relationships, the entrepreneur develops and changes. Entrepreneurs are assisted to take responsibility of their own development. The mentoring and coaching relationship aids insight, learning and change. Through this relationship, potential is recognised, prospects become reality and concrete results are achieved. Our mentoring and coaching support assists the entrepreneur to acknowledge the present-day as a jumping board to the future. Moreover, they are encouraged to be strategic about their personal and business development.


Our aim is to provide mentorship and academic, personal support to all bursary students. Our processes alert us early on when a student is struggling academically. We work with university academic support and wellness resources to ensure that students have access to suitable interventions. We want a future where access to tertiary education is a jumping board for young people to obtain meaningful employment and contribute to a sustainable economy.


At Yadah Solutions, we believe that businesses have a responsibility to contribute positively to society and make a meaningful impact on the communities in which they operate. We are committed to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as an integral part of our business strategy. Our CSR initiatives are designed to address key social and environmental challenges while creating sustainable value for our stakeholders.

1. Our Approach to CSR

Our CSR strategy focuses on three (3) key pillars:

1. Social Empowerment: We support programs for education, skills development, and employment opportunities, collaborating with partners and organisations to empower individuals and improve their futures.

2. Environmental Sustainability: We integrate sustainable practices, invest in renewable energy, resource conservation, waste management, and environmental education to minimise our ecological footprint and contribute to a greener future.

3. Community Development: We work closely with stakeholders to identify and address community needs through initiatives like infrastructure development, health care support, access to clean water, and enhancing quality of life in the communities we serve.

2. Key CSR Initiatives

We implement impactful CSR initiatives, including:

a) Education for All: We establish scholarships and mentorship programs, fund education infrastructure, and provide resources for underprivileged students in pursuit of higher education.

b) Environmental Stewardship: Through awareness campaigns and employee engagement, we promote environmental consciousness within organisations.

c) Skills Development and Entrepreneurship: We offer vocational programs and mentorship to enhance employability for unemployed youth and support aspiring entrepreneurs in starting their businesses.

3. Measure and Impact

We prioritise accountability and transparency in our CSR efforts. We establish monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to measure impact, track performance indicators, conduct assessments, and engage stakeholders. Regular reporting on activities, progress, and outcomes ensures the effectiveness and sustainability of our projects, with open communication to our stakeholders.

4. Collaboration and Partnerships

Collaboration and partnerships are crucial to maximise our impact. We actively seek partnerships with government agencies, NGOs, community organisations, and businesses to leverage collective resources and expertise. Through collaborative efforts, we aim to achieve greater social, environmental, and economic outcomes.

By integrating CSR into our company profile, Yadah Solutions demonstrates our commitment to social responsibility and sustainable development. We constantly strive to make positive differences in the lives of individuals, communities, and the environment through our CSR initiatives.

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